
Lecturer in ECOMP - Computer Engineering and EAUTO - Automation Engineering undergrad courses at FURGI also supervise master's students in PPGCOMP - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Computação
Research focus in Robotics, Control Systems and Education.
Doctorate in Electrical Engineering in the area of Control and Automation (2004 - 2008)
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul -- (UFRGS)
Thesis: Analisys and Control of Underactuated Brachiation Robot
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Walter Fetter Lages
1 Semester Research abroad (2007) in Departament of Micro-Nano Systems Engineering at Nagoya University
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Toshio Fukuda
M. Eng. in Electrical Engineering in the area of Automation and Systems (1999 - 2001)
Federal University of Santa Catarina -- (UFSC)
Dissertation: Control Techniques for Mobile Robots
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Edson Roberto de Pieri
Graduation in Computer Engineering (1994 - 1998)
Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG)


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