
2018 -  Use of Inertial Sensors and KineticTM in Rehabilitation Therapy

In this project will be developed tools for rehabilitation of patients who need physical therapy treatment. Firstly, the study will be done on the technologies used to evaluate the movements performed in the upper limbs of the patients. A tool will be proposed to diagnose the patient's movement limitation by reading angles and speed of the joints present in the upper limbs.

2017 -  Energy Based Control of a Brachiation Robot

In this project a 3 link brachiation robot is considered, along with the development of mathematical models that describe the kinematic and dynamic behavior of this robot and the respective analysis of this models. Once the mathematical models are validated, the energy behavior will be analyzed in order to better undestand the exchange between the kinetic energy and potential energy between each element of the structure. It is intended establish this behavior to serve as basis for the application of a control strategy that is able to optimize the energy performance of the actuators. Beyond that, the present work aims to present a closed-loop structure that is capable of make the robot to perform the brachiation movement.

2017 -  Improving Algorithm and Data Structure Knowledge Through Programming Challenges

The objective of this project is to complement the education of students in the field of algorithms and data structure, which are students of exact sciences, specially Computer Engineering, Control Engineering and Information Systems. To achieve that goal, activities involving programming challenges will be developed, in which the students should write computer programs capable of solving specific logical or mathematical problems using techniques learned during the graduation. Furthermore, complementary subjects will be presented aiming the solidification of the knowledge in algorithm and data structure among the students that are part of the project. Throughout the project, an objective and expectation is that rates of retention and evasion will decrease in related disciplines of the undergraduate courses, as well as participation in programming competitions such as the Olympiad in Informatics and the International Collegiate Programming Contest. All activities of this project will occur in the laboratories of the Centre for Computational Sciences.

2017 - Design of an Autonomous Aerator

This work presents two problems observed in the Marine Aquaculture Station - EMA of the Federal University of Rio Grande related to the aeration of the culture tanks to pisciculture and / or shrimp farming. First, the high energy consumption of the blade aerators was identified, due to the continuous need to oxygenate the water during the production cycles of fish or shrimp. Subsequently, it was noted that static aerators do not aerate the water evenly. Currently, the solution found by the EMA is to manually change from time to time the place the aerator is. This replacement of the aerator in the desired place is done by technicians or assistants.

Thus, the present work proposes two solutions to the problems above: development of an aerator with electric power coming from a photovoltaic solar energy system and autonomous trajectory displacement. In addition, the energetic dimensioning is done so that it is no longer dependent on the wired power supply. Such structural alterations allow to treat the aerator as an Autonomous Vehicle of Surface, baseng the kinematic modeling and dynamics in this type of vehicle. Subsequently, kinematic and dynamic trajectory control is applied to the aerator and, finally, the sensing for the navigation and autonomous orientation of the aerator is projected, thus guaranteeing a uniform aeration.

2016 - Automação do Processo de Cultivos Multitróficos de Peixe e Camarão

Este projeto visa o desenvolvimento de um sistema de automação para análise das variáveis físico-químicas da qualidade da água nos cultivos multitróficos de peixe e camarão, em sistemas bioflocos. Além disso, propõe o projeto de um sistema automatizado multitrófico de cultivo de organismos aquáticos em meio aos bioflocos na Estacão Marinha de Aquacultura -- EMA da FURG.


2015 - PRECOMP: Introdução ao Pensamento Computacional

Este projeto tem o objetivo de fortalecer o pensamento computacional nos alunos ingressantes nos cursos de graduação do Centro de Ciências Computacionais. Entende-se que o pensamento computacional não se restringe às disciplinas de computação, sendo um elemento importante para desenvolvimento de raciocínio lógico e solução de problemas de forma sistemática e automatizada. O pensamento computacional não faz parte do currículo base em ensino fundamental e médio, mas é um fundamento importante para o desenvolvimento de disciplinas de computação, como Introdução à Engenharia de Computação, Introdução à Engenharia de Automação, Introdução à Sistemas de Informação, Matemática Discreta e Atividade de Integração Curricular I, totalizando 130 estudantes. Portanto, com este projeto, pretende-se ofertar oficinas e atividades que, além de integrarem alunos dos três cursos do C3, também possa reforçar o conhecimento destes sobre pensamento computacional. Esta medida tem como principal objetivo diminuir a evasão e retenção de alunos nos primeiros anos do curso.


O Centro de Ciências Computacionais da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande é uma das 13 Unidades Acadêmicas da FURG, sendo responsável pela área das Ciéncias Computacionais, dedicando-se a formação de recursos humanos e a produção de conhecimento.

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